90 Seconds of Choreography

Last night’s “lesson” was great! It was a ton of fun and involved none of my dancing :)


I’m taking all my lessons at Fred Astaire in Brookfield, and since the first lesson Alexis “cut” the music. So, we have our song and she made it so it’s perfectly 90 seconds. Now we just have to figure out our dance moves. So, for this lesson, Ernie (the studio manager) and Alexis listened to the song on repeat while trying different routines. It was a lot of fun to see what they’re capable of coming up with in real-time.

Alexis and Ernie piecing the dance together.


At one point, I thought they had done a TON of dancing to the song, only to realize they had only danced for the first 50 seconds of the song. I think I’m going to be pretty exhausted once this whole thing is over! By the end of the session, they had a full 90-second routine choreographed from start to finish!


It’s really neat to see what the finished product (should) look like, but now comes the hard part. I have my first real lesson today, so we’ll see what Alexis throws at me. Hopefully in the next 10 weeks I can learn what they put together in those 30 minutes!


Let the Fancy Footwork Begin!


First lesson done!